Prosperity wants to fund good ideas that bring light into the world!

Hi Stargazer,

I recently gave a full moon of prosperity class. They’re telling me it was packed and powerful. I didn’t even get to talk about everything I wanted to! LOL! But what I did get around to was exactly what’s needed!

If you define prosperity as money, then this class will help you navigate through these uncertain times. The state of the economy is changing. Money as we know it is changing. Governments are implementing state-controlled digital currencies which will change anything that is connected to money. It’s all happening right under our noses behind everything else that’s going on.

The World Economic Forum said:

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I talk more about this in the full moon workshop.

Then there’s Wall Street who has tons of hidden agendas that promote “promising” strategies that, in the end, profit off loser’s losses. All in the name of a huge pattern that blocks prosperity!

OFFICIAL REPLAY: The Most Effective Way To Reveal Prosperity In The Economy. When we uproot the issue, we can create positive change in the material world.

In this workshop, I discuss how we can bring prosperity and what we can do to stop the hidden agendas at play. The financial entities pushing these agendas do not want you to access your spiritual currency and connect to the qualities of prosperity right now. And your ego agrees! Why? Because you’ll need to step out of your comfort zone. But once you do, and once you see the benefits, you’ll never fight in the dark for prosperity ever again. In fact, you’ll never fight for prosperity ever again! You’ll just welcome it in!

If you’re a slave to money, now is the time to break off and defund the ego. If you’re not a slave to money, then now is the time to nurture that priceless quality!

The best way to bring prosperity into your life is to bring it into the world which is what we do in this full moon workshop. With this work, you’re offered a form of “insurance” on your reality and your (new moon) intentions.

Using a unique aspect of the lunar window, we tap into the spiritual energy of prosperity that is looking for people to invest in. Prosperity wants to fund good ideas that bring light into the world!

This workshop will help you open up to becoming a portal of prosperity as you open up to your spiritual connection. Think of it as an instant payout during this cosmic window. When you work within this window, your efforts are multiplied by 333%! It’s just like money, when a window opens, the actions we take within that event can change your life.

It’s time to heal the damage to the personal and collective economy. Use the energy of the annual full moon of prosperity. Go here to watch the replay of my livestream event. But don’t waste time on the fence, the lunar window will close by April 29, 2021.

Happy Full Moon and may you be prosperous in all you do!



Fear Cannot Manifest Without Your Permission


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