The first step in my approach is to get an overview of how someone thinks, feels, and the way they approach things. This is best done in conjunction with a birth chart.

Astrology provides an in-depth understanding of the spiritual structure and laws of the universe. The only problem is that not all astrology schools are created equal. Arik has revealed a new system of astrology, Zodiac Hacks, free from divination and helps you transcend your fate so you can create your destiny.
The purpose of astrology.
Redraw the blueprint of your life.
Astrology is merely the dynamic relationship of the twenty-two archetypes of creation called, Cosmic Pixels. When working with the archetypes, you can make changes to the blueprint of your reality.
What’s impacting your chart now?
A chart reading consists of casting your transits, progressions, and other charts to see how you’re being influenced by the cosmic weather. By knowing what these influences are, you can overcome the obstacles and activate your gifts at the perfect time.
Render your reality.
Whenever an astrological chart is interpreted, a new reality begins to take form, which is why we want to insist that charts are read with honesty and optimism.
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No. Belief is not required. As you become more educated the more you will realize it permeates all of reality from the atom to the cell.
This allows me to cast a birth chart in your name. I need the birth time because it determines the positions of the planets. I prefer using the time off the birth certificate because the likelihood that parents memories are unreliable during such an intense moment. If you don't have your time of birth, we can work around it, there are methods to determine the time of birth.
With so many astrological methods and lineages today, it can be very complicated to even find the right school to learn from. That’s why I believe it’s important to have a basic spiritual understanding of the universe before even looking at a chart. Head over to to take classes and learn more about astrology.
Astrolochi incorporates an ongoing review of our software (astrology) with the maintenance of our hardware (the body) to initiate, oversee, and complete firmware upgrades of function, relations, and reality.