DASH® Astrology Weekly Horoscope August 16 - 22, 2020


Disclaimer: While the transits and horoscopes indicate the general astrological weather, it is in no way indicating positive or negative influences upon your chart. If you want personalized information, you’ll need to book a reading with me.

“We are asked to listen without comparing or referencing ourselves so that we can really understand the other.”



This Week:

This is indeed a week of emotional healing and sensitivity. At the beginning of the week, just before the New Moon, everyone will be a bit more tender and touchy! There are three planets in Cancer and with Mercury still, with the Sun in Leo, we won’t be hesitant to act those emotions out so please: think before you act!

Then, the New Moon in Leo will give us the ability to plant some new seeds and set new intentions. I will be hosting my monthly New Moon Virtual Ritual which will focus on knowing when to speak up and knowing when to keep silent. This is also a Black New Moon (which is a bit rare). Read more about it here.

We are also within the seven-week process of healing and consolation. Cultivating sympathy for self and for the state of the collective. Individuals can change, but the collective remains at the restraints of collective limitation which is based on the choices of each individual. We need to remember that sympathy is not pity, nor is it compassion…. Sympathy is the ability to understand the context of a situation without personal involvement or self-absorption. We are asked to listen without comparing or referencing ourselves so that we can really understand the other.

Take your time with this, we have several months to contemplate as we heal ourselves and set onto the right course of action. Read my coronavirus update & vaccination forecast.

Leo will ask us to take care of our heart, spine, and specific minerals that are needed for our systems to function at optimum levels. “I act from the wisdom of my heart” is what we say when we do the Leo exercise from my Vessel Building App. Check out the in-app subscription to get a deeper insight into the archetypes of the day within the app. You can also use the Leo Essential Oil or the Leo Phone Wallpaper, which is designed with the archetypal colors to create electrical impulses in the brain that stimulate biochemical processes in the body to transcend Leo astrology.

If you need some more illumination in your life or want to get a clear idea of what the Leo season will look like for you, get a chart reading with me. If you have some health goals, book a healing with me. If you're a Leo, your solar return (your birthday is coming up) book in an appointment with me to see what your next journey around the Sun has in store for you!

It would be wise to tap into the Leo energy in a positive way with the Leo Season 2020 Meditation. There you can access the 30-day window to harness the sunlight filtered through Leo and optimize the month and sign within your chart.

This is the final week of Leo before we enter into solar Virgo and become bound by a new set of cosmic rules. Virgo is the final month of Summer and it puts our focus onto atonement and undoing the pain and hurt we’ve caused others by releasing ourselves from the guilt that holds us back. I will be teaching about the 22 archetypes of creation in an online class on September 1st so be sure to sign up to increase etheric immunity!

But first, Mercury, the ruler of Virgo will enter its earthy home putting our focus onto the details and little things. It’s a great time to edit and forget.

  • The cosmic signature of the week is giving us more pieces to the puzzle of life we are trying to solve.

  • The gift of the week is the ability to see clearly with vision.

  • The challenge of the week is self-righteousness and impulsive arrogance.

Also, I want to mention that I started a Podcast on YouTube, Apple, Google, and Spotify. Search for “Ageless” by Arik Xander.

For even deeper talks about spirituality and the world, beyond the news, check out our Speechless.

As we are in the Age of Aquarius, the Age of Information brings us the ability to know everything about anything! The only caveat is that it isn’t “for free”. Meaning, that in order to really receive information and integrate it, we need to pay for it. This is how we create a vessel, otherwise, it remains intellectual, an accessory to the mind. I hope you have found this complimentary forecast useful and insightful. If you want to receive it on a deeper level and support my work, consider a donation and follow me on Instagram: @ArikXander for tips on how to boost immunity and stay mindful of cosmic happenings.

Have a wonderful week and I thank you for being the one who makes a difference by using DASH® Astrology.

Daily Horoscope & Important Transits:

  1. Sunday: There is a lot of energy to get it all done today. If you want to break out of depression, you can do it. If you want to clean the entire house, you can do it. If you want to lay around, you can do it. If you want to watch The Waterboy, you can do it.

  2. Monday: The Moon is in Cancer stirring things up and taking a stance. It says emotions trump cold, hard facts! Try to use this energy in a way that will bring out the best of the emotional world and the material by channeling the emotions into something productive.

  3. Tuesday: We have the energy to grow out of old thought forms today. Once we do that, we can figure out what the plan of action is.

  4. Wednesday: Happy New Moon in Leo! This is a Black New Moon which doesn’t happen very often. Check out my virtual ritual to optimize your day.

  5. Thursday: If an idea floats your way, consider the source. Is it positive or negative? Meditate to know the difference.

  6. Friday: Mercury joins the Moon in Virgo today. Time to edit whatever you’ve been working on and to organize your life.

  7. Saturday: The Sun moves into Virgo. Virgo can be detailed oriented and critical of itself and others, so I would suggest participating in my Solar Virtual Ritual.


Virgo Season 2020 Astrological Forecast


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